I didn't intend to take such a break from the blog but my poor broken arm caused much more disturbance to my daily routine then I could have ever anticipated (even with the experience of having injured the other arm last year!) and I've been running to catch up ever since.

But enough moaning, I'm just about fully fit now and I have plenty to share. I've continued to work at Oil Studios and we've been pitching and formulating and visualising several new projects over the last month or so. Alas all of them are top secret so there is nothing I can show, but the minute I can I'll get it on here.

Mostly I've been picture researching for Guerrilla Advertising 2, again I can't really give away the content of what I've been hunting down but it promises to be a great collection of visuals. If you haven't bought the first Guerrilla Advertising book you can get it here. I'm also just about to start on another animation book with author Andrew Selby, which promises to be fun.
On the illustration front my agents NB have been working hard on my behalf, you may have seen their full page advert in the recent Creative Review and I even had to turn down a commission last week as my schedule just wouldn't stretch to fit it in. Again I'm not yet able to post the illustration I've just completed, but I did do one for Management Today magazine a few weeks ago about managing pregnancy in business, which can be seen below:

You can also see it in context here:

Finally (for now) I've just been notified that the interview I recently gave to Photoshop Creative Magazine can be seen in the current edition of the magazine, which looks like this:

and my interview looks like this:

So please do go out and buy a copy or listen to the podcast of the interview online here.
Time to sign off I think, but I'll return with a bigger round up as soon as I have some new imagery to post. I'm going to Greece for a few days later this week so I'll try to take my sketchbook along and create something that I can turn into a piece of personal work as it's been a long time since I've been able to do any non-commissioned illustrations.