I'm back on the blog with today's Indy image and last week's too. It's election fever in the opinion columns (and will continue to be so for a while) so the images I've been asked to create recently have been quite abstract visuals alluding to power; more specifically the inability to grasp it completely (David Cameron) and the ability to hold onto it (Gordon Brown) despite multiple attacks on the leadership.
The political climate is really rather interesting at the moment, it reminds me of studying European Politics in my History A Level. Though I have to say the attempted coup last week was a lot less bloody then those of the French Revolution!
Without any further ado here is today's image:

This was quite highly art directed, I was specifically asked to show a rose (symbolising Labour) growing tall and strong despite axes attempting to chop it down. With the image functioning as a spot illo (in the paper text flows close to it) I decided to have the axes broken and wrapped up in the flower, rather then hacking in the air, as I thought this would work better.
This is definitely one of those images that works better in context and I'll take and upload a picture of the paper later today. The article is here
Last week the focus was on Cameron and that he "still has yet to show his authority/ convince the electorate that he is a leader in the making". Often when the brief is centred around the personality rather then the party or wider society I am asked to try and avoid drawing the protagonist, as my illustration's proximity to the daily cartoon in the newspaper can mean that it becomes a little repetitive. This was one such case, hence I was asked to focus more on the action of asserting one's authority. The resulting image was a pounding fist, simple, but again due to the layout, effective in context.
This is the image:

That's all for now. I must now attend to my various portfolio sites and update them with all of the work I have done in the last few months.
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